'Tis the Season for Hand Sanitizer

by Missy Conry

Sigma Supply is dedicated to keeping our clients safe from the novel coronavirus, so you may have noticed a few of our hand sanitizer dispensers (along with multiple other products to help protect from COVID-19) pop up around your very own city this year. In Hot Springs, Arkansas where SSNA originated, you can find our products readily available for guest use in Oaklawn Racing & Gaming's casino area. Make your way to our sanitizer the next time you visit, and be sure to continue wearing your mask and practice social distancing the next time you visit.

According to the FDA and CDC guidelines, it's recommended to  use a hand sanitizing solution of at least 60% alcohol whenever washing your hands with soap and water (for a minimum of 20 seconds) is not an available option. So if you're ever going to be in a situation where a good source for washing your hands isn't an option, make sure you'll have access to hand sanitizer!

If you need a good source for hand sanitizer, check out our online shop and see if we have any available to ship to your area. Not available in your zip code? Call (800) 264-1661 and ask to speak to your local sales representative--we're eager to see what we can do for you! Are you a business owner looking for a dispenser like this for your customers? We have that too--just give us a call!